Raj Ghatak

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City Of London School Interview

Earlier this year I returned to my old school, City of London School to give a talk to the drama department. It’s a school I’m very proud to have attended, and it felt very strange going back after such a long time. I registered with the alumnus department, Citizens Connect (old boys of the school are known as Old Citizens) who then got in touch with me and asked if I’d come and speak to the drama students. I accepted the invitation, and was a mix of emotions, I hadn’t set foot in the building since I left. In fact, there was no Drama Department when I was there!

The Original City Of London School building on the River next to Blackfriars

The Foundation Stone for the Old Building at Blackfriars

The school has its origins going back to 1442, and is a very familiar sight to many people. It’s the redbrick building opposite the Tate Modern, next to the Millenium Bridge (more commonly known as the ‘wobbly bridge’). Much to the frustration of my friends, I normally point out the building whenever I’m passing it, and is normally seen on the TV in any given shot of the River Thames.

Interior of the School theatre

Following my talk with the students, I was interviewed by Duncan Steer, and the interview is published today. School was such a long time ago, but going back into the building, even seeing two of my old teachers was very emotional and brought up a lot of memories.

I hope you enjoy the interview:
